
  • 一天又一天,文森特屡次被人肆意袭击,那些人毫无理由地想要杀死他。他平淡无奇的生活被颠覆了,当这种现象越来越…
  • Ayoungapprenticehealertriestosuppresshissupernaturalabilitiessohecanfitinwiththeotherkids,butwhenamaliciou…
  • William Thornhill, an illiterate Thames bargeman and a man of quick temper but deep feelings, steals a loa…
  • 该片荣获加拿大第9届蒙特利尔国际电影节评委会荣誉奖。根据沈从文同名小说改编,凌子风导演,冯汉元、戴呐主演。…
  • The journey of a trans woman who leaves her hometown and doesn't compromise her goal to be a free and inde…
  • 影片设置在一个神话般的世界里亚哈船长跟船员猎龙以获取龙油,亚哈年轻时因为妹妹被白龙杀死时,自己胆怯逃跑陷入…
  • 安妮·芳婷将执导影片[警察](Police,暂译),卡司包括维尔日妮·埃菲拉([20岁的差距])、奥玛·希([触不可及])…
  •   The adventures of the Kryptonian superhero dog and his friends